Albert Einstein
Your Health is your Wealth!
"iTeraCare Great Health"
"Prife" is derived from the combination of "prime" and "life," symbolizing the high quality of life that our partners can enjoy by utilizing and sharing our range of products.
Since its establishment in 2021, Prife International has gained a loyal following and widespread popularity. Our products are deeply loved by consumers across over 30 countries, including the United States, Europe, Africa, Southeast Asia, India, Indonesia, and the Middle East, among others.
iTera care integrates three top technologies - Terahertz, Quantum and Optical Quartz. Its component is cast with more than one hundred trace elements.
View a video on the iTera device benefits
Contact Lee Buckle on 082 6500 129 for more information:
E-mail kaizentoday@gmail.com
Follow Lee -Terahertz Health on Instagram here.
Lee Buckle, Pharmacist
View Prife our International distributor.
All the info on the iTera device is there.
To become part of the networking business side please contact Lee for more info.
iTeraCare Therapy Device is specifically used for external therapeutic and physiotherapy treatment.
- View benefits here - iTera Health website
Incredible video explaining the iTera device in detail, how to help your body SELF Heal it's self.
Iteracare - a revolutionary breakthrough frequency device
Introduction to Iteracare THz Cell Therapy device
THz frequency activates dormant STEMCELLS in the Bone Marrow

iTeraCare Device certification is stringently tested, inspected and certified by the China Beijing Academy of Sciences and National Intellectual Property Rights and Patent Certification and many other authoritative organisations.
Products and stock are available at our depot in Tsistsikamma and Matatiele pharmacy in South Africa.
Contact Lee Buckle @ 0826500129 for more info.
Price for iTeraCare Classic (current USA$ 420) +/- ZAR R 7 700,00, price, including delivery in ZAR.
Price for iTeraCare Premium (current USA$ 1 300) +/- ZAR R 24 050,00, price, including delivery in ZAR
Price for iTeraCare PRO (current USA$ 4 300) +/- ZAR R 79 550,00, price, including delivery in ZAR
Price dependent to R=$ fluctuating (23 March 2023 18,5)
iTera Classic below: R 7 700,00
iTera Classic
iTera Devices
Above: iTera - Classic model, Pro model, and Premium model.
The iTeraCare Device is a certified household electrical equipment. It has been certified as “safe to use”, it emits no harmful radiation and it has labels allowing for its distribution internationally. The iTeraCare Blower is not a medical equipment and the manufacturer provides no medical advice. Users understand that the device is not intended to be used as a medical device or for diagnostic purposes on which reliance should be placed. Its use is not intended to be relied upon in lieu of medical treatment or advice by a trained medical care provider. Users understand that they use the IteraCare Blower at their own risk. Always consult your Doctor or other healthcare professional with any questions regarding any medical condition, or for specific guidance regarding the optimal use of the iTeraCare Blower, nutrition or physical activity