Our Products:
Honey Liqueur R 340,00 per 500ml.
HoneyBush Infused Gin Selling = 500ml at only R 210,00
HoneyBush Infused Vodka = 500ml at only R 180,00
Buchu Infused Gin Selling = 1 liter at only R 290,00
Our Honeybush Tea is now available for shipping! Selling price for 150g of loose tea at only R 45,00.
Royal Africa HoneyBush Tea, grown only in certain areas of the Southern Cape, is a uniquely South African tea. Full-bodied and strong, it tastes great alone or with milk and sugar. It also makes great iced tea. HoneyBush tea helps to lower cholesterol, helps regulate your blood sugar and gently stimulates the heart and circulatory system. It also promotes healthy teeth, skin and bones. It also includes polyphenols which may help prevent the growth of certain cancers.
Royal Africa HoneyBush Green tea. Green teas have a clean, delicious taste you will enjoy. When paired with other fruits or spices, the flavour stimulates your taste buds and provides a very healthy drink. Green teas contain antioxidants and may help boost the immune system. They also include polyphenols which may help prevent the growth of certain cancers. Green teas soothe the stomach and digestive system, regulates blood sugar, and lowers cholesterol.
Royal Africa Rooibos Tea is completely pure and natural as it contains no additives, preservatives or colorants, is naturally caffeine free. Rooibos contains antioxidants that fight free radicals (a by-product of normal cell function, which weaken the body's natural defences and lead to ageing, the declining of the immune system and the onset of a wide variety of diseases).
Red Espresso. The word espresso is Italian in origin and, loosely translated, means a 'cup of coffee brewed expressly for you'. In South Africa we have a Red Espresso which is made with Rooibos. It is pressure-brewed, finely ground tea. Properly brewed, an espresso will feature a layer of rich, dark, golden cream, called crema on the surface.
We also have Fynbossie Herbal Spice @ R45 and
Fynbossie Bath Salts @ R45
Pure Fynbos Honey @ R100 a 500g jar
Our organic Fynbos honey
ScalarEnergy TeraHertz pendant.
Our Tea Estate.
Our Fynbossie herbal products.
Summer harvest of our veggie garden.
Our famous herbal/ braai spice!
Our spices
Our organic garden